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Holy Monastery Dormition of the Theotokos Stagiades

Outside the well-known village of the Municipality of Meteora, Stagiades is the Holy Monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin. The year of the foundation of the monastery is unknown. The information we have about it is limited. Inside, there is a large precinct with the cells, the functional areas of the monastic community, and the catholicon placed in the center of the precinct. Its katholikon is dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin and is a cruciform inscribed four-pillar church decorated with frescoes from the early 17th century. The narthex of the catholicon has frescoes made by the Hionadite painter Michael of Michael in the middle of the 18th century. The church's wood-carved iconostasis is impressive, probably placed at the beginning of the 18th century. Also, in the 18th century, iconostasis icons were placed. It was converted into a nunnery in 1968 until today. Finally, it is 32 kilometers from Kalambaka and is located at an altitude of 750m.

Working hours


08:00 - 12:00, 16:00 - 18:00

1. Tuesday

08:00 - 12:00, 16:00 - 18:00

2. Wednesday

08:00 - 12:00, 16:00 - 18:00

3. Thursday

08:00 - 12:00, 16:00 - 18:00

4. Friday

08:00 - 12:00, 16:00 - 18:00

5. Saturday

08:00 - 12:00, 04:00 - 18:00

6. Sunday

08:00 - 12:00

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

Monastery of  Saint Nikolaos Gavros

The small Holy Monastery of Saint Nikolaos Gavros is about 27 kilometers from Kalambaka and is located in the village of Meteora Municipality, Gavros. It is the only monastery that has survived in its original form and is kept in good condition. The external walls are built of argot, mud brick with semi-hewn cornerstones on the jambs of the doors, the openings, and the right corner of the two-story building. Admirable is the muddled exterior wall with the visible wooden beams, the wooden porch, the mud-covered roof, the wooden ties, the floor supports, and the ossuary. Inside, there are two layers of frescoes. The oldest is in the sanctuary (1753), while the newest is in the main church (1893).


Monastery of  Saint Theodosios Gavros

The small Holy Monastery of Saint Theodosios Gavros is about 23 kilometers from Kalambaka and is located near the village of Meteora Municipality, Gavros. As soon as one arrives at the hermitage, one sees a small, covered space where liturgies and prayers take place. Inside the monastery, there are two layers of frescoes. The oldest ones are placed at the beginning of the 17th or the end of the 16th century. The newest ones (e.g., Pantokrator, Platytera, and the full-length Saints) are from the 19th century. To confirm the era, the hagiographer put the scenes on the first layer in places unrelated to their ritual place.


Holy Monastery Saint Georgiou Mandilas

East of Kastraki is the ruined Holy Monastery of Saint Georgios Mandilas. The monastery is accessible only to skilled climbers, as it is placed in a cave 20 meters above the ground. According to tradition, it was founded in the 14th century, but without certainty since scholars have not dealt with it scientifically. Below the monastery stretches a huge forest, which, as in the past, was forbidden to cut trees. Ignoring this prohibition, a soldier of the Turkish guard of Kastraki one day started cutting a tree and fell unconscious. Everyone believed that someone had killed him, so the Turkish commander of the village ordered everyone to gather in the square. He threatened to punish them severely if they did not bring him the soldier's murder. At that moment, the monastery heard a voice saying that what you are doing did not kill the soldier, but Saint George punished him. But if the Turks gave something to the Saint, everything would be as before. So the soldier's wife gave a handkerchief to the Saint. Then, a resident of Kastraki brought the handkerchief to the monastery, and as soon as the abbot hung it on the icon of the Saint, the Turk came to life. Since then, every year, on the feast of Saint George and at the end of the liturgy, the village's young people hang colorful handkerchiefs and light candles in the Monastery. The handkerchiefs stay until the next feast of the Saint.


Holy Monastery Timios Stavrou Dolianon Kranias

The Holy Monastery of Timios Stavros is located between Doliani and Krania. According to a few sources, it was founded in about 1770. It is situated at an altitude of about 1140 meters and about 48 kilometers from Kalambaka. According to a Royal Decree, the monastery became, in 1924, one with the Holy Monastery of Saint Stefanos Meteora. Its owner seems to be Giannousios Gouguzis, and the main church follows the plan of the three-bay basilica with three semicircular arches to the east and three, of which the middle ones are choir stalls. It consists of the multi-domed and multi-niche main church and the new narthex. It has twelve domes, three inside and the rest decorative. Almost the entire monastery is built of stone. The roof is hipped, and the windows are small with iron bars. There are no hagiographies inside the sanctuary. Additionally, in the central alcove of the South side, there is a representation of Saint George slaying the dragon, Saints Constantine and Helen holding the Stavros, and Saint Demetrius killing Skylogiannis the Vulgar. The rich decoration is impressive, as are the admirable reliefs adorn the monastery's exterior. At a distance of about 200 meters from the Holy Monastery of the Holy Cross is the abandoned Monastery of Agia Zoni, which was destroyed in 1943. The Monastery of the Holy Cross was the catholicon of the Holy Monastery of Agia Zoni or Agios Nikolaos. The monastery celebrates twice: on August 31, the Feast of the Holy Belt, and on September 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.


April-October: Daily except for Wednesday at 10 am. Until 6 p.m. (throughout the Mid-Calendar week) and on the weekends of primary and public holidays.

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

Holy Monastery Theotokos of the Lactating Anthousa

Surrounded by thick trees, near the village of Anthousa is the Holy Monastery of the Virgin of Galaktotrofoussa. It owes its name to the icon it owned, Panagia Galaktotrophousa, which depicts the Virgin Mary holding the young Christ in her arms and feeding him with her milk (nursing him). This icon, as well as the monastery, were destroyed in 1943. The chapel of Saint Ioannis the Forerunner, celebrated there on August 29, was burned. Today, only the two new buildings in the west and the catholicon survive. The catholicon is built of stone and has a four-pitched roof covered with slabs, two sacristy-style choirs, and a cupola. On the top is a single-aisled basilica with a semi-cylindrical arch. In the outer part of the sanctuary, one can easily see an inscription that points out that the catholicon was founded on May 30, 1799. Also, the remains of the old fresco are preserved. The northern door is decorated with relief jewels, while the outer eastern niche depicts the Virgin Mary, Christ, birds, snakes, flowers, and trees. It is about 67 kilometers from Kalambaka.


Holy Monastery Profiti Ilias & Metamorfosis Halikiou

At a distance of approximately 70 kilometers from Kalambaka, near the village of Haliki, there is the Holy Monastery of Prophet Ilias and the Holy Monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ. According to local tradition, the Holy Monastery of Prophet Ilias was built around the middle of the 19th century by three brothers: Damianos, Hilarion, and Auxentios, who came from the village. Hilarion contributed significantly to the development of both the town and the monastery since he was the one who built the Primary School of the city. It is a monastery with a stone single-aisled basilica dome and ends in a semi-circular niche to the east. The newest monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ was built in 1783 and rebuilt in 1868, while its renovation took place in 1963. It is a stone monastery covered with slabs, a cross-roofed, single-aisled basilica with a single dome, and two choirs of the Agiorite style. To the east, it ends in a seven-sided niche, and the roof consists of a semi-cylindrical chamber. Its floor is paved with tiles. Despite the damage suffered by the monastery, the two churches are kept in good condition.


Holy Monastery Nativity of the Theotokos Limbochovos

About 41 kilometers from Kalambaka, in the Municipality of Meteora, Panagia village, we find the Holy Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos. The monastery is dedicated to the Nativity of the Theotokos and is mentioned in a chrysobulus of the emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos (1328-1341) in 1336 and a seal of Patriarch Antonios IV (1339). Today, the only thing left of the monastery, which burned to the ground, is the catholicon. It is a single-chambered temple with an arched roof decorated with admirable images, and in it there is a stone inside the wall with the date 1709 engraved on it.


Holy Monastery Saint Apostolos Kleinovos

Today's abandoned Holy Monastery of Saint Apostolos Kleinovos is located outside the village of the Municipality of Meteora, Kleinovos, and is connected, according to the Royal Decree of 8-7-1886 (Government Gazette 184A/11-7-1886) with the Holy Monastery Dormition of the Theotokos Chryssinos. The monastery has admirable wall paintings, of which the trilingual inscription of Saint Zosimas, rendered in ancient Greek, modern Greek, and Aromanian-Vlach, stands out. The catholicon is the only thing that survives from the monastery complex. It has three domes and is an Athonian-type temple, cruciform inscribed, with a double-domed narthex and side choirs. It is decorated with frescoes made by the same iconographer of the portable icons, Michael Anagnosti Dimitriou. The monastery celebrates on June 29.


Holy Monastery of Saint Theodoros

The Holy Monastery of Saint Theodoros is located near the village of Saint Theodoros and is built on top of a rocky hill. We do not have information about the exact year of its foundation due to the multiple lootings it suffered. However, the oldest surviving testimony that shows the monastery's existence is the letter of Neophytos I (1540-1550). The monastery's catholicon is a small space with frescoes by P.Zacharis and a traditional wood-carved iconostasis. It holds the holy relics of Saint Theodoros and Saint Tryphon. By the care of His Eminence Metropolitan, Mr. Theoklitou, the Holy Monastery of Saint Theodoros was supplied in May 2018 with new staff.

The Holy Monastery is open every day

Morning 9.00-12.30 and

Afternoon 16.00-19.00

Contact number. 24320-72716


Holy Monastery Saint Georgiou Avra

Near the village of Meteora Municipality, Avra, and only 11 kilometers from Kalambaka, we find the Holy Monastery of Saint Georgios. Recently, a brick house was built next to the church, where the future monks will live. It was recently restored with the help of both the faithful and Archimandrite Dorotheos Tzevelekas. The monastery celebrates twice a year: once on the feast of Saint George and once on the feast of Saint Kosmas of Aitolos on August 24. Its double celebration is because Saint Kosmas of Aitolos passed through this village and informed the inhabitants exactly where the monastery is located.

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

Holy Monastery Dormition of the Theotokos Bytoumas

At the height of 540 meters, in the village of the Municipality of Meteora, Bytoumas is the female Monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin. According to sources, it was founded in 1611 at the expense of Konstantinos Tarchaniotis and his wife, Zoe. In code number 141 of the Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior (Great Meteoron), which is a copy of the 17th century, there is a reference to this monastery that shows that it may have been built in the 12th century. Previously, the monastery was a men's monastery, but from 1952 until today, it has been a women's monastery. Arriving at the precincts of the sanctuary, the visitor encounters a chapel that was built in 1559 and which was dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin. It is a small church covered with a furnace (shield), and Archimandrite Nektarios did its frescoes in 1559. In the precinct's center is the Catholicon dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin that was built in 1600. It is a three-aisled basilica with a raised central nave, and a narthex on the west side made later (1662). Until the 18th century, the catholicon was a parish church. The paintings and woodcarvings date back to 1600. Also, in the same period, the well-known icon painter Drosinos painted the portable icons of the monastery. Next to the catholicon are two chapels, one dedicated to Saints Eufimia and Alexios and the other to Saints Megalomarira George and Dimitrios Myrovlytis. Outside the precincts of the monastery, there are also the chapels of Zoodochos Pigi, Agia Triada, Saint Kosmas of Aitolos, and Panagia of Gorgoupikou. Behind the holy step of the catholicon is the cave. Based on the legend, the icon of Panagia Kalambakiotissa was found, which has been lost many times, and that is why the monastery was built in her honor. The monastery celebrates the Dormition of the Virgin on August 15 and the other chapels. Services are held every Sunday at 6:30 am, Saturday at 6:00 am. and on significant holidays at 6:00 am. Evening service every day at 5:30 pm. Prayer to the Virgin Mary every Friday at the end of vespers.

Contact Phone: 24310 88382





DURATION 1 / 4 – 31 / 10 1 / 11 - 30 / 4

MONDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

TUESDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

WEDNESDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

THURSDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

FRIDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30

SUNDAY 9:00-12:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 9:00-12:00 & 15:30 – 17:30


Holy Monastery Dormition of the Theotokos Chryssinos

The Holy Monastery of Dormition of the Theotokos Chryssinos is about 19 kilometers from Kalambaka and is located at an altitude of 680 meters. According to tradition, it was founded in 1300 AD. by Makarios and dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin. Kalarrytine iconographers undertook the frescoes of the monastery in 1700 AD. The monastery is of royal style and in its niche is Platytera. Inside, the monastery contains frescoes that follow, in general, the pictorial typical of temples, while its catholicon is a vaulted church.

Saturday 9:00am–5:00pm Sunday 9:00am–5:00pm Monday 9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday 9:00am–5:00pm m.Wednesday9:00am–5:00pmThursdayClosedFriday9:00am–5:00pm

CONTACT PHONE: 2432088121

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